Lets talk Straight!

Lets talk Straight!

Let’s talk straight!

A few years back i would have sworn blind that when talking about straightening irons, ghd would be the only way to go.

At one point i even tried to get the licence for cyprus.

Right now Wella has the license to sell ghds in cyprus and are selling through selected hair salons all over cyprus. Which is great.

Although in the last few years there have been a rise in straightening irons technology and now i would say ghds are no longer solely the best on the market.

For the past 2 years because it’s been so tricky to get hold of ghds, at the salon we have switched over to Diva Hair straightening irons. Not as well known but actually just as good, long lasting, professional and hard wearing. And i bet clients that have had their hair straightened with us didnt even notice the difference!

Ghd are known for their ceramic plates. DIVA irons have argan oil infused and also a new favourite are the titanium plates.

Another thing i really like about them is the adjustable temperature gauge.

But also don’t forget no matter which iron or heat tool you use (from hairdryers to curling tongs) it is 100% important to use heat protection spray.

To be totally honest any heat on ur hair is not great and will take its toll on ur hair if your not constantly replacing the moisture back into your hair.

Angela had a client a few weeks ago who is a straightener addict. But she was also good at putting her protection spray on before she got her fix.

One saturday she came to the salon and i heard ang really confused.

She asked the lady what she had changed because unlike usual the lady had split ends out of nowhere! She never gets split ends.

Ang asked a million questions trying to figure out what had happen.

Eventually the woman admitted she had ran out of heat protection spray 2 weeks earlier. She intended to buy a new one that day but unfortunately that quick 2 weeks of using the irons without heat protection had made a massive difference to the condition of the hair!

(Was actually really great proof for us to see. But not so great for the client who now had a head full of splits!)

If u wanted to test it yourself you could use heat protection on one side and not the other. And see the difference in your own hair yourself. But only if you’re desperate to prove me wrong hahaha

This picture below are my favourite diva irons. Everything i love right now is green or blue lol and also my favourite heat protection hair care is Catwalk Haut Iron Spray! if you look at our styling tools page you will see all our gorgeous straightening irons and heat protection sprays!

If you would like any help just give me a shout

Always here for you fabulous hair lovers 😍😍

Happy hair days amigos

Gee xxx

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1 Kommentar

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article “Let’s Talk Straight” on haircarecyprus.com. The comprehensive information and tips provided about straight hair care were not only informative but also easy to follow. It’s clear that the author has a deep understanding of the subject and a passion for helping people maintain and enhance their straight hair. The blog post is a valuable resource for anyone looking to achieve and maintain sleek, straight locks. Thanks for sharing such helpful insights!


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