Hot summer hair care and looking after your hair in Cyprus!

Beautiful, luscious, healthy, shiny and long hair doesn’t just happen, does it? Nope! Unfortunately it certainly does not !!!!! So today I thought I would give you some, good old simple tips to keep your hair in tiptop condition this summer!

The Lifestyle!

You have to take a lot more care of your beautiful tresses living in Cyprus, why you ask? Well let me explain:

  1. The baking heat on your bleached out locks every day.
  2. Swimming in chlorinated swimming  pools, even if you don’t put your hair under the water the fumes from the chlorine still dries your hair out.
  3. Swimming in salty drying sea water
  4. The tap water! Well we all know about the hard water here in cyprus and namely limescale. Unless you’re luckily enough to have a built in water filter you will all have seen the limescale build up in our kettles and on our shower heads and taps! What you need to remember is that, that hard water is going through our hair every time we use it!

o let’s imagine a typical hair day in Cyprus! You go for a few laps in your pool and you get your hair wet and you let it dry forgetting that you have not washed the chlorine out, or you think that you’ll wash it out later. Then you go for a walk along the beach or through the village for an hour, without a hat in the baking hot sun. After this you might have a lovely cool down in the sea or back in the pool, and then you sunbathe for the rest of the afternoon. After this gorgeous day, you then go and wash and condition your hair with your standard products. You may do this just on a Saturday and Sunday on your weekend off or like a lot of my clients you may be lucky do this most days!

Hair Condition?

Ok so on top of this amazing lifestyle we have on the island, we now need to consider the condition of your hair:

  • Is it treated?
  • Is it coloured?
  • Is it thin?
  • Is it naturally dry and frizzy anyway?
  • Is it bleached or highlighted?
  • Is it greying?  

The majority of people will say a big fat YES! to one of these questions. What people don’t think of is the effect of the lifestyle described above on the condition of your hair. When you go to your hairdresser you might say “my hair feels in bad condition”, “it keeps snapping off”, “why is it so dry and flat?” “why is my colour fading so much?”.You will ask them to fix it for you while you’re there and so they go on to feed your hair amazing products from their salon and you come out feeling on top of the world with your hair bouncing and shining! But, and this is a big BUT, you then go back to swimming, sunning and using standard products from the supermarket, and before you know it your hair is once again dry, flat, frizzy and without that bounce and shine! So how can you help yourself keep that shine and bounce?

Let’s face it, we’re all going to be in the sun and we’re all going to be swimming in chlorine or salty waters during the summer so completely changing our lifestyle is a little bit of a big ask just for the sake of our hair, and I think we can all agree it’s just not going to happen! So what we need to do is find a way of limiting the damage we’re doing and look at protecting our hair!

The Sizzling Solutions!

Keep hydrated! Drink lots of water to help your hair keep moisture from the inside out! We’ll be doing a blog on hair and nutrition in the coming months so make sure you subscribe and join our Hair Gang to get the info!

Good hair care products! I mentioned your hairdresser feeding your hair with good products, this is so essential because the products you pick up in the supermarkets will just cover the damage temporarily and throw a bit of shine into the mix, they don’t feed the hair the goodness it needs. Buy a good product that suits your hair condition, style and colour from a professional salon branded product range.These will make your colour and style last longer and together with your UV protection products  you will see a huge difference  in your hair quality. Is it more expensive? Yes and no! You will use less of a good product each time and so not only will they will last a lot longer than shop bought but they will be feeding your hair with amazing ingredients! Is it worth it? Absolutely! Our one client spends around €60 a year buying her Tween sets every year. That equals €5 per month!! And she has mid length thick hair! And everything we recommend for summer can be found in one place – Our SUMMER SHOP! 

Consistently use a hair mask treatment suited to your hair to repair, protect and keep the moisture!

Ask a stylist to discuss the condition of your hair or contact us for some one to one advice!

Ask us to advise you what you need to protect your hair from all these external elements eg. sun, sea, pool, electric tools and chemical hair treatments.

Use protection! Take a look at the suncare ranges that are on offer, which are designed for our outdoor lifestyles.  

Top of the pops range to look at? In my opinion our Tigi Bed Head, Catwalk, S Factor and Wella ranges offer the very best products and you can find them here in our SUMMER SHOP!

To finish off this week’s blog I want you to do something for me:

Every morning look in the mirror I want you to repeat a daily affirmation:

“Every day I will protect my hair and be as gorgeous and beautiful as I know I can be!”

Hope you enjoyed the blog, and if you have any questions please contact us or leave us a message in the comments!

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