Lots of Products but non of them work!

Lots of Products but non of them work!

Who’s got a cupboard full of hair products???? 

Im guessing Family come on holiday and leave some random bits and you added them to your stash? Or you bought some last year, but forgotten what ur supposed to do with it? 

You have a cupboard full of products, but my question is, do you use them? And are they working??? 
Many clients tell me, “ou I won’t buy that mask today coz I’m sure I have one at home….” 
so why aren’t you using it??? 
Probably because like the rest of those products in your stash, if they worked you would use them AND your hair would be doing what it’s told. But my guess is…. your not using them, they don’t work, ur hairs a mess and you hate it! 
So I have a suggestion, either you could send me a picture of said stash and I can tell you which ones to put in the bin right now and also which ones you should be using ( also remind you how to use them) or if that is an embarrassing thought how about you just open the bin a chuck the whole lot in there rite now and let’s start again!? 
I don’t mind helping you with whichever decision you desire because my aim right now is to map out a plan for the gorgeous hair you long and wish for!

With the help of our totally awesome eshop www.haircarecyprus.com you can have all your shampoo fantasies and blow dry lotion ecstasies in front of your eyes and at the tips of your fingers! 
I hope you can feel my excitement as your reading this!!!??? 
We are all getting increasingly busier with work and social life etc but one thing I know for sure is, if you wake up to your busy day with good, even great hair… WOW! What a nice way to start the day! It’s bad enough deciding what to wear and then to add on top of that dilemma, having to tame a hair beast!?

Uff! No I would much rather take the easy option! 
Great hair for me please!:) hahaha

Because I’m always trying new products and masks, to see which ones work best, for what, and because I’m always playing with my hair with bleach and new colours I definatly think I’m the most highly qualified in this subject! Lol

All the products I recommend have bin tried and tested by my very own hair beast! Not easy to tame! Takes a very specific hair regime to keep it in line!   

When I talk to people about home hair care products they always assume the worst. They assume it’s going to cost them a small fortune! but we can cater to any hair budget so dont worry about a thing!
Our focus is not on price, we focus on making you look and feel fantastic! It’s your crown, your shine and sparkle. We know that when we give you the gorgeous hair that you want it will make you feel amazing from the inside-out! 

So to make this process even easier and acessable 24/7 i have created a Free Hair quiz!

The hair quiz is a quick and easy way to determine your hair type and lifestyle, and then receive personalized recommendations for hair products that will work best for you. The quiz is designed to help you make informed choices about the hair products you use, based on your individual needs and preferences.

The quiz is typically composed of a series of questions about your hair type, such as whether it is oily or dry, curly or straight, fine or thick, and so on. It may also ask about your lifestyle, such as whether you live in a humid or dry climate, how often you wash your hair, whether you use heat styling tools, and other factors that can affect your hair's health and appearance.

Based on your answers, the quiz will generate a personalized hair prescription that recommends specific products tailored to your needs. This can include shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and treatments, all designed to help you achieve your desired look and maintain healthy, beautiful hair.

Taking the hair quiz can be a great way to gain a better understanding of your hair type and learn how to care for it properly. By using products that are specifically formulated for your hair type and lifestyle, you can help prevent damage, maintain moisture and shine, and achieve the look you want.

Click this link below to take the quiz and win a discount coupon code for taking part! have fun! 


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