Why Isn't My Hair Growing?! The Real Culprits Behind Breakage and Split Ends

Why Isn't My Hair Growing?! The Real Culprits Behind Breakage and Split Ends

Who’s to Blame for Your Hair Not Growing? The Shocking Truth Behind Split Ends and Damage!

We’ve all been there. You’re standing in front of the mirror, staring at the same shoulder-length hair you’ve had for what feels like a decade. Why isn’t my hair growing?! It must be someone’s fault, right? Could it be that your hairdresser keeps cutting it too short? Or is it your straightening iron secretly sabotaging your growth? Maybe it’s your husband’s or kids fault—because, well, who else can we blame for life’s daily disasters? (Just kidding!) but dont stress! Luckily for us, breakage can be temporary and is totally reversible. So, we’ve rounded up the biggest reasons why hair breakage happens and how you can fix it for good. Healthy hair is the ultimate flex, after all! 

The real question is: Why is your hair not growing? Why does it feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of damaged ends and split hair?

Let’s Investigate: Is It Growing From the Roots?

Before we dive deeper into the world of hair disasters, let's first assess the most critical part of your hair growth: the roots. Is your hair growing from the roots, or is there a blockage? If the answer is no, then Houston, we have a problem—and it’s time to book yourself a free scalp analysis with Angela. (Yes, she has a microscope that can magnify your scalp up to 200x! It’s like CSI: Hair Edition. We’ll check if there's a blockage that's stopping your luscious locks from sprouting.)

Wait, My Roots Are Growing! So, What’s Happening?

If you’re seeing roots but not length, then we have another culprit on our hands. It’s not that your hair isn't growing—it's just breaking off before you see it manifest into those long, flowing locks. Or… could your hairdresser be a little too "scissor-happy"? Should we call the hair police on them? (Don't worry, I'll make the call if needed. I know a guy!)

What is hair breakage anyway? 

Hair breakage is an actual breaking of your hair shaft—resulting in that portion of your hair being shorter and misaligned with the rest of your strands. Split ends are not the same as breakage, but if you fail to get a trim and keep them at bay, that damage can travel up your hair’s shaft. 

Breakage doesn’t mean that your hair isn’t growing, but that the damage is happening at the same rate or even faster than the growth in that area—normally occurring at the hairline, crown of your head, back of your head, or the nape of your neck. 

Is your hair breaking? Here’s how you can tell. 

Jagged, much shorter ends: Do you notice a group of strands that appear shorter and are misaligned with the rest of your hair, even though you haven’t been in for a cut lately? That’s most likely breakage and you’ll want to get to your stylist for a trim, cut, or consultation on how to repair it. 

Tangled hair: The cuticles of damaged hair are rough and result in lots of knots and tangles—whether you’re in the shampoo stage in-shower or on day three of styling, post-wash. 

Excessive dryness: Is your hair still dry and brittle, even after using the moisturizing products during and post-shower? This is a sign that your hair’s cuticles are damaged and cannot retain moisture.  

Why You May Experience Hair Breakage 

Doing the most is good in a lot of ways, but not when it comes to your hair. So coloring, straightening, daily heat styling, and straining it with tight hairstyles are all culprits if your strands are less than stellar. Especially if you’re not adding more love to it than you’re taking with protective glosses, using the lowest possible heat, heat protectants, lots of conditioning and masking, and using daily leave-in conditioners and moisturizers. 

The Truth Behind Hair Breakage

Breakage, darling, is common. And you guessed it—it’s often your straightening irons, hair dye, and yes, even your beloved hairdresser who might be to blame. Over-colouring, whether intentional or accidental, can lead to dry, brittle hair that snaps before it even has a chance to shine. And while we’ve already arrested the “scissor-happy” hairdresser, we may need to extend their sentence if they’re guilty of over-colouring your hair, too. Some of them do it without even realizing—sneaky, huh?

So, How Do We Stop the Breakage and Get Those Locks Flowing?

The key to long, strong hair is stopping the ends from breaking off before they get the chance to reach your desired Rapunzel-length goals. What’s the best way to stop breakage, I hear you screaming?!

Here’s the magical formula: Nourish. Repair. Protect. Moisturize. Whether you prefer treatments, serums, or heat protection, the words may vary, but the message remains the same: your hair needs love.

It’s like going to the gym—you don’t spend hours sweating it out only to hit McDonald's afterward, right? (Well, maybe sometimes. No judgment here!) But when it comes to hair, the good news is, it’s way easier to maintain than staying fit. It takes just 10 seconds every morning. Yes, you heard that right—10 seconds of TLC for your hair, and you’re on your way to seeing that Rapunzel in the mirror!

My Top 5 Products for Healthy, Growing Hair

Below, I’m listing my top 5 favorite products that you can use for just 10 seconds every morning. These will help you repair damage, protect your hair from daily wear and tear, and nourish those ends so they stop breaking off! And if your hair feels like a total disaster that needs some extra love, don’t worry—I’m always here, just a phone call away, ready to offer personalized advice tailored to your hair type and lifestyle.

Top 5 products recommendations:

1. Kerastase Premiere Range. The signature smell is fantastic and the range is specially designed to stop hair breakage, repair and hydrate leaving the hair healthy and silky smooth ready for some serious growth! 

Shop - Kerastase Premiere Range 

2. K18 Leave In Molecular Repair Mask. This new brand and product is revolutionizing the haircare industry! No need to rinse off! Simple shampoo your hair as normal and then apply this leave in treatment and continue to style your hair as desired. This product works Fast! 

Shop - K18 Leave in treatment

3. Loreal Professional Absolute Repair Molecular Leave-in Mask. Rebonding the damage from the inside this product is a must! There's a reason Loreal Professional is a fan favourite all over the world!   

Shop - Loreal Pro Absolute Repair Molecular

4. Redken All-in-one Multi Benefit Treatment. Apply this daily to stop hair breakage in its tracks. repair the hair and stops split ends so your hair can grow.

Shop - Redken One United 

5. Il Magnifico - Intense Mask Spray. This Multi Benefit Mask spray is your one stop shop to fast hair repair in under 10 seconds! Ipersonally love this product, i apply it every morning and my hair is instantly soft, silky and shiney. Not a split end in sight, and the smell is light and perfumed that i can smell on my hair all day long! 

Shop - Il Magnifico

Stay fabulous, stay growing, and remember: healthy, long hair is just a few steps away.

Yours sincerely,
Your Hair Doctor at Hair Care Cyprus xxx

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